Jury of Humanity Photo Awards 2004

Published date: 2004-05-20    Clicks: 4317

Mr. Shen Che (China/President of the jury)


Founder & President of China Folklore Photographic Association.

Creator and designer of Humanity Photo Awards. Chairman of HPA Jury Panel.

Shen is a leading activist for intercultural dialogue and exchange, he was appointed as Ambassador to UNESCO project Mondialogo.


Mr. Deng Qiyao (China)

Anthropology Professor of Sun Yat-Sen University.

Director of Human Culture, History & Geography Committee of China Adventure Association.

Director of the National Literature Researching Institute of the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences from 1994 to 2000.

Chief editor of the Camellia-GEO magazine from 1995 to 2000.

Chief editor and photographer of the “Chinese Folk Cultural Series Books”.


Mr. Franco Zecchin (Italy)


Winner of International Journalism Price "Città di Trento". First Prize Winner of HPA2000.

Zecchin’s long term photographic project “Nomadic Tribes” has been well published and exhibited. He has traveled wide and far covering many nomadic tribes in Africa, Asia and North America.


Mr. Leong Ka Tai (Singapore)


Leong’s works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Europe, the USA and South-East Asia; published in National Geographic, GEO, Life, New York Times, Sunday Telegraph and Paris Match.

Leong has won local and international awards including “Artist of the year” from the Hong Kong Artists Guild and First Prize for Best Photojournalism in the 1994 Harry Chapin Media Awards (World Hunger Year), New York.


Mr. Peng Zhenge (China)

Photographer, art director.

Solo exhibition Opening China in Guangzhou in 1988 and Hong Kong in 1990.

Senior journalist and editor of the Travel China Magazine (Hong Kong) from 1988 to 1994.

Jury member for 2003 Ping Yao International Photo Awards.

In 2003, Peng directed a large-scale and well-received photo exhibition the Chinese Humanism, Contemporary Document.


Mr. Vincent Mentzel (the Netherlands)

Staff photographer of NRC Handelsblad.

Director of the board of World Press Photo Foundation.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Eugene Smith Foundation in New York.

Jury member for HPA98, HPA2000.


Ms. Shirley Phillips (USA)

Acting Executive Director of the San Diego Museum of Man.

The museum is well known for its rich collection and researching of the history of men’s evolution, the Indian aboriginals’ art and culture in Alaska and southwest of America, the culture relics of Ancient Egypt, the folk culture of Mexico and south America, and etc.

Phillips has more than thirty years of professional working experience at the highly respected museums in America. She participated in many art exhibitions of humanity and folk cultures.


Mr. John Demos (Greece)

Demos has taught photography, creative arts and social sciences at the Doxiades Institute of Art and the American Academy in Greece.

In 1979, with four other Greek photographers, Domos founded the Photographic Center of Athens.

In 1988, he founded the Apeiron Picture Agency.

From 1995 to 1999, Demos was appointed the art director of the Photographic Center of Skopelos by Culture Ministry of Greece.


Ms. Jodi Bieber (South Africa)

Photographer of Network Photographers Ltd.

Winner of The Hansel Mieth Awards in 2002.

Winner of South African Fuji Press Awards in 1995, 1997,1998, 1999, 2000.

Winner of World Press Awards in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002.

Jury member for HPA 2000.


Ms. Jin Yan (Australia)

Secretary-General of Selecting Committee of Humanity Photo Awards



Observer of Humanity Photo Awards 2004

Mr. Xia Fang (China)

Well published photographer, writer and researcher on photography.

Guest professor in Tianjin Institute of Arts and Crafts.


Mr. Wang Rui (USA)

1991 to 2000, photographic technician of Schuman Photo and A-1 Photo Agency in USA.

1995 to present, reporter for People Photography in USA.

2001 to present, editor of STAR WEEKLY in USA.


Mr. Zhu Linyong (China)

Education, arts and culture writer with The Features Department of China Daily, the only national English newspaper of China. Author of numerous in-depth reports on art education, performing arts, fine arts,folk culture, tourism and cultural heritage protection in China. Special Advisor to President of China Folklore Photography Association.

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