Entry Rules


    Entry Rules (Please read carefully)


    1. Entries are required to be submitted online via http://www.hpa.org.cn (Sept. 16, 2016 - Apr. 15, 2017). Please click on “Submission", sign up and submit photos on the entry page in accordance with relevant requirements. All information is required to be written in Chinese or English only.

    2. The entrant’s name on the entry form should be the same as that on his/her valid identification/passport. Any other preferred name such as “professional name” or “pen name” will not be allowed. If entrants would like to have a preferred name on the certificate, please apply 30 days before the awards ceremony, send a formal declaration letter according to the organizers' requirements, and pay the cost of production.

    3. There are no restrictions on entrants in terms of profession, gender, age, nationality, country or region.

    4. The photos must be taken by the entrant himself/herself, otherwise the entrant will be deprived of the right to win the award in the contest.

    5. Photos entered jointly by two or more than two entrants will not be accepted.

    6. All entrants will be deemed to have accepted the Guidelines of HPA 2017. Any legal responsibility relating to entries, such as copyright, right of reputation and portrait, right of privacy, right of trade mark, etc. will be borne by the entrants.

    7. The contest is open to everyone except the members of jury and the staff of HPA 2017 work team.


    8. Entries that have won prizes in the previous HPA contests are excluded from HPA 2017; prize-winning entries in other contests or exhibitions are eligible for HPA 2017.

    9. There are no content restrictions on countries or nationalities which are shown in the photos. (Entries can contain images of several ethnic groups in one country or of the same ethnic group living in different countries and regions.)

    10. There is no limit on shooting time. Entries can be taken on one occasion or over a period of time.

    11. The category of the submitted photos must be specified by the entrants. The organizers and judges are not responsible for re-categorizing any entry.

    12. Each entry must consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 14 photos. Each entrant is allowed to submit no more than 3 entries.

    13. Photos must be uploaded with jpg format, size between 1MB and 4MB.

    14. Only the necessary retouching which will not change the original appearance of the photo is allowed. All photos are prohibited from synthesis, addition, deletion or major changes in color. Photos with frames, special backgrounds or other decorative effects will not be accepted. To keep the authenticity of the record, composite, splicing and trick photos will not be judged.

    15. Each entry must be attached to a literal interpretation of the actual content in English.

    Declaration of the Organizers

    16. No entry fee is required for this contest.

    17. To guarantee the fairness of HPA 2017, personal information of the entrants should not be shown on the photo or in the caption. Otherwise, the entry will not be judged.

    18. With the guarantee of use of the name of entrants, the organizers reserve the right to repeatedly use entries in related non-commercial activities for free, including publications, exhibitions, TV programs, Internet displays, electronic media, etc. The Organizers also reserve the right to do any necessary editing of the entries.

    19. Photos must be received by midnight, April 15th, 2017 (Beijing time) via the website mentioned above. (The date when the photos of an entry set are completely submitted is deemed as its submission date.)

    20. CFPA reserves the right of final interpretation of the Guidelines of HPA 2017.

    Contact Information

    The China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA)

    E-mail: contact@hpa.org.cn

    Tel.: 8610-62252175

    Twitter: CFPA

    Website: http://www.hpa.org.cn

    Online service