Interesting Sidelights on HPA2013

Published date: 2014-06-30    Clicks: 4478

So Good to See Old Friends

The reception day of HPA is also a day for reunion. We have made many friends during the past events, and HPA provides us an opportunity to meet our friends again. The French photographer Rozenn has joined HPA for three consecutive sessions. Mr. Shen Che and she are close friends. Though they don’t know each other’s language, they can understand each other just by eyes and expressions. After a big hug, Rozenn said to the staff, “You really need to give a reward to Mr. Shen Che. He has done so much for the HPA.” When Mr. Shen Che heard the translation, he pointed his face, saying with a smile, “Then you should give me the reward first!” At this moment, without translation, without any hesitation, Rozenn stepped forward and gave Mr. Shen Che a big kiss. All the people present were moved by their deep and sincere friendship. With the shutter sounds, time stopped and this moment was forever recorded.

José, the final juror from Spain and Tino, a Spanish photographer are all old friends of HPA. When Mr. Shen Che saw them, he took out the unpublicized DVD of winning photos and introduced it to them. Mr. Shen Che said this DVD is unique and creative because it combines music and pictures. His words greatly excited the two Spanish friends’ curiosity. They asked Mr. Shen to introduce more about it, but Shen said, “It’s a surprise, let’s see it tomorrow!”

Hans and Shen Che are good friends for many years. They have created many wonderful joint stories during the past several years. From their faces, the great joy and excitement of reunion can be easily seen. At this moment, a big hug may be the best way to express their deep brotherly relations.

Communication Is Everywhere

HPA has been characterized as a platform for photographers all over the world to make friends and share their works. During the HPA2013 event, you can see photographers sharing their pictures and exchanging experiences everywhere at any time, no matter in the canteen, in the lobby of the hotel or on the bus to the Great Wall.

“China, I love you”

During the HPA2013 event, we found that many foreign photographers are wearing this kind of red star hat. It shows their love to the traditional Chinese culture.

At the Award Ceremony, the Turkish photographer Erkan attracted many attentions because of his Chinese red flag T-shirt. Beside him is her pretty and cute wife. She is one of the main models in Erkan’s winning photos.

The Five-Starred Red Flag on the top of the Mutianyu Great Wall becomes the best partner of many foreign photographers when they were taken pictures.

Gymnastics on the Great Wall

Both Chinese and foreign photographers were touched by the beauty of the Great Wall. They were trying to take a special and memorable group photo with it.

Photo Forum in the Bar

Organized by the Spanish juror José, a small Photo Forum was held in the bar in the evening of June 22. Most of the photographers presented their works and talked about the stories behind those photos. This kind of informal forum seems more interesting and relaxed. José gave it an interesting name“Late Night Slide Show”and every one suggested to include it in the schedule of the following HPA. Let’s look forward to it!

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