Call for Entries: Humanity Photo Awards 2015

Published date: 2014-09-16    Clicks: 2692

Basic Information

1)     Entry period: September 16, 2014 — April 15, 2015

2)     How to enter: sign up and submit entries at

3)     Rules on entries: each entrant can submit 3 sets of photos at most; each set should consist of 8-14 photos.

4)     Contact:

  Tel: 86 10 62252175

  Face Book: China Folklore Photographic Association


Brief on Humanity Photo Awards (HPA)

HPA was founded by China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) in 1998. For the last 16 years, CFPA, in cooperation with the United Nations of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has built this photo contest into a prestigious international photographic event. Its leading position is unchallenged in the world multi-cultural field.

Documenting World Folklore Culture by Photography

We have held eight sessions of HPA contests from 1998 to 2014. In total, photographers from 153 countries have registered for HPA; 16,031 entrants from 137 countries have entered and submitted entries; folklore phenomena in 167 countries and regions have been documented. HPA has built a multi-cultural image treasure documenting rich folklore cultures and their evolution.

Sharing Folklore Culture with Photo Stories

HPA is open to group photos only, which sets it apart from all other photo contests. This rule has been observed strictly for the last 16 years because we believe even a simple folklore cultural phenomenon can tell a big story and therefore requires a folklore photographer to focus, investigate and document thoroughly. A single image is insufficient to tell the whole story. This rule sets a high standard for folklore photographers.

Higher Standard, More Significance and Responsibilities

HPA2013-2021 (from the 8th to the 12th HPA) has been included in the plan of International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022). It is a new journey for HPA. Let world folklore photography be the tool for documenting, promoting and sharing multiple cultures and thus promoting the prosperity and development of cultural diversity.

Welcome to Enter HPA2015!  Please follow or for updates about the contest.

For Guidelines of HPA2015, please visit


HPA2015 Work Team

China Folklore Photographic Association

September 16, 2014

Online service