Only 50 DAYS LEFT Before The Deadline of Photo Entries Submission Expires!

Published date: 2015-02-25    Clicks: 2738

Today, Feb 25, 2015, starts the 50 days countdown of the HPA 2015 photo entries collection. And we are back to office from our celebration of the Chinese New Year Holiday.

As the deadline for photo entries submission (April, 15) is drawing close, may we suggest that you should hurry up to take an inventory of the photo stories you have on hand and check the number of entries you have submitted so far. Please take into consideration of the possible network traffic congestion as well.

What about if I do not have the suitable photo stories to enter the contest? Do not worry! Let us give you some suggestions:

St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, Maple Syrup Festival in Canada and the widely-observed Easter, just to name a few. On the Spring Equinox day, Lithuania people mark the Rite of Fire and Uzbekistan people and Kurdish people celebrate Nowruz. The Tajik people in China mark Character Bahar Shaw Festival, an agricultural festival to celebrate water diversion and sowing. On the first Sunday following the first day of the full moon after the Spring Equinox, Christians celebrate Easter.

Certainly, there must be some events and stories taking place around you that you may capture , document and share with us.

As an important reminder, please note the followings:

The only official site for contest registration:

Deadline to submit your entries is April. 15, 2015. Please take into account the possible network traffic jam on the final days before the deadline expires.

If you have any inquiries, please email us,or call us at:+8610 62252175

Please tell your friends including photographers and spread the HPA2015 information on the web sites and forums that you are familiar with, and on blogs, twitter, web chat and places where your personal influence can best be exerted.

Spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere. An old Chinese saying goes: Be the first blossom in the Eastward wind on a spring day! We believe that your photo story entries, like the first-bloomed beautiful plum blossoms in spring, will surly become HPA’s plum blossoms! 

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