The Alfred Fried Photography Award has extended its submission date until this June 10, 2016

Published date: 2016-05-31    Clicks: 5482

Except for the participation of experienced jury panel in Austria, the jury has sent a special invitation to President of CFPA, Mr. Shen Che to join them as well this year. Therefore, the organizers of the event, including UNESCO, are intending to invite more photographers of HPA to join this competition. The original deadline of submission date is on June 1st, which now especially is extended to June 10th for all the HPA's previous participants.


Guidelines of the Alfred Fried Photography Award 2016


  • Enter your work by clicking this link page:
  • There is no entry fee for a submission.
  • The award is open to professional and amateur photographers from anywhere in the world.
  • Digital submissions must be saved as .jpg, with a size between 2000 pixels and 3000 pixels on the longest side. The maximum file size is 2 MB. Images must not include any embedded marks, logos, names or borders.
  • You may enter several photographs as individual submissions without an overall theme. Or you can submit up to 20 photographs as one story.
  • You may submit as many entries as you see fit and there is no time limit for the photographs.
  • You may submit photographs that have won an award or been entered in another competition.
  • The top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal. 
  • The Peace Image of the Year will receive €10,000.
  • The award ceremony will be held at the Austrian Parliament in Vienna on 20 September 2016, just one day ahead of the UN International Peace Day.
  • More info please visit the link page:



Photography themes of the competition

Peace and photography enjoy a special relationship. The work of photojournalists has always helped make people aware of the need for and rewards of a life of peace. Regrettably they usually achieved this with pictures of the opposite – war and hunger. The organizers of the Alfred Fried Photography Award 2016 call on the photographic community to focus on peace in the world and to communicate this strongly in the media and to the public at large.









To view the previous winning works of the competition, please visit the link page:

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