Winning Tips for HPA 2017

Published date: 2016-09-12    Clicks: 3303

Have you been waiting for the moment when the photo submission of HPA 2017 gets started? Are you little confused about the 6 categories while submitting your entry? Whatever the reason you may have, here are some of our past experiences as the winning tips to share with you. They can open your thoughts on multiple elements, and consequently help you submit your entry in a creative way.

Tip 1: Take a “Gallery” Tour on the Website of HPA

You can view more than 2,300 previous awarding-winning entries (photo sets) by clicking “Gallery” on our official English website of HPA. Throughout the photo tour, you can open your thoughts on what kind of subjects to shoot by merely viewing the titles of winning entries. Not to mention other elements of winning entries you can get enlightened from.

Tip 2: Read “Winners’ Story” on the Website of HPA

We started calling for the articles named “Winners' Story” from our photographers since HPA 2015, which got good feedback. In “Winners' Story”, the photographers share with the audience how they feel about shooting their winning entry, even how photography affects their life. From behind the stories of winning entry, the audience would understand the thoughts of photographers in shooting folk-custom field, and how they determine and fulfil their goal. Throughout the tour of “Winners' Story”, you will definitely get inspired and find unique themes & methods of shooting.

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