Call For Judges of HPA 2017

Published date: 2017-03-16    Clicks: 6541

The Humanity Photo Awards 2017 (HPA 2017) is now calling for international judges. There is no restriction on nationality of the judge. Anyone who meets the following criteria can submit his/her application.



Qualifications: A HPA 2017's judge is someone who possesses extensive experience in photo editing,photo judging or experience of working as a curator, and is someone who demonstrates profound understanding of cultural and documentary photography and does not hold extreme views.

Judging Duties:

Judges of HPA 2017 are required to conduct themselves professionally in accordance with the HPA's guidelines. They will be responsible for the final round of submissions’judging, which is scheduled to be carried out online in the first two weeks of June. Moreover, HPA 2017's judges are required to devote their efforts and sufficient time to complete their judging duties as specified by organizers of HPA. Importantly, all the judges are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement with CFPA and promise not to disclose judging results to anyone prior to the Award Ceremony of HPA 2017.


Benefits for Judges:

Judges will be invited to attend the HPA 2017's Award Ceremony to be held around in mid-September, 2017 and attend some scheduled photographic-related programs. Organizers of HPA will pay judges for round-trip airfares from their residence cities to the city where the Award Ceremony will take place and visa fees as well. The cost of accommodation and transportation during the ceremony will be covered by the organizers.


About HPA

HPA is an international photo contest organized by the China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) in collaboration with the United Nations of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It aims to capture,disseminate and celebrate the diversity of cultures through the power of brilliant imagery.


Please email us your bio (mainly highlights) at before April 10 if you are interested in.

You may visit our official website at to learn more about HPA and find out about the judges of the previous HPAs at


Looking forward to your early application and enthusiastic participation!


HPA Work Team

March 16, 2017



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