Results of HPA 2017’s Second-round Judging II have come out

Published date: 2017-06-12    Clicks: 13400

The results of second-round judging II of HPA 2017 have come out with the 66 photo sets to compete for the Grand Awards being decided. The short list of top 66 will enter the final-round judging to be reviewed by the International Jury, who will vote online the best photo stories in their heart. The International Jury will also review another 100 candidates for the Jury’s Special Awards. As usual, the winners of Grand Awards and Jury’s Special Awards will be announced at the Awards Ceremony. 

The result of the second-round judging II (the 100 candidates) is listed and can be viewed below. (Tip: you can find if or not you are on the list in a quick way by clicking Ctrl+F, entering your name or your entry title or ID number)

If you are on this list, you will have a chance to compete for the Jury’s Special Awards, selected from the list of 100 candidates  in the final-round judging by the International Jury as well.

Id 类别/Categories 作者/Author 标题/Title 国籍/Country
1263 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume KURT VANSTEELANT Chinese portraits 比利时/Belgium
1548 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Yong Yao Siong Fairy Tales in Venice 马来西亚/Malaysia
1856 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume 马平克 尼日尔豪萨人和颇尔人的面纹 中国/China
2139 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Magdalena Strakova Folk Costume of Vracov, Moravia, Czech Republic 捷克/Czech Republic
4173 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Tania Chatterjee Wrapped with Faith  印度/India
6187 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Vlad Sokhin Mozambican Witchdoctors  葡萄牙/Portugal
8361 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Tijen Erol Tuareg Nomads of Morocco 塞浦路斯/Cyprus
8654 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume SEBASTIAN FEDERICO ARIAS FRENCH TOMB OF BEJUCO  阿根廷/Argentina
9575 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Ko Ko Zaw KaYaw Ethnic  缅甸/Myanmar
9751 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Victor Neper Contreras Bardales  Color Weaving Mother 秘鲁/Peru
9989 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Adriano Neves Ancient People of Ethiopia 葡萄牙/Portugal
4904 建筑文化类/Architecture UTPAL DAS ANCIENT STAIRCASES IN INDIA 印度/India
5680 建筑文化类/Architecture 胡剑文 《福建客家土楼营造技艺--夯筑技术》 中国/China
6532 建筑文化类/Architecture 霍洪意 岭南泥砖屋 中国/China
6861 建筑文化类/Architecture 郑国强 老殿古韵浓 中国/China
7900 建筑文化类/Architecture Krzysztof Kobus Water plant from XIX century – the green heart of the Warsaw  city (POLAND) 波兰/Poland
8870 建筑文化类/Architecture Rosa Nallely Moreno Moncayo Tiébélé, a village of inspiration and imagination. 墨西哥/Mexico
8966 建筑文化类/Architecture 秦义强 上海地铁的建设与车站特色建筑风采 中国/China
8990 建筑文化类/Architecture Jacek Fraczek Bus stops in the war-torn eastern Ukraine, LPR 波兰/Poland
9510 建筑文化类/Architecture Albertus Vembrianto (Vembri Waluyas) The House in Central Highland of Papua, Indonesia 印尼/Indonesia
9512 建筑文化类/Architecture 姜铭林 百年滇越铁路 中国/China
1628 生活习俗类/Living Custom Madoka Ikegami Mongolia's Nomadic Reindeer Herders 日本/Japan
1740 生活习俗类/Living Custom 徐金芳 最古老的维族村落-吐峪沟麻扎村 中国/China
1776 生活习俗类/Living Custom susan schulman Life of the Baaka Pygmies in the forest of Central African  Republic 美国/United States of America 
2441 生活习俗类/Living Custom 商睿 走出世界尽头,现代与传统共存的徒手捕鲸部落 中国/China
3294 生活习俗类/Living Custom 刘元 游走在路上 中国/China
5653 生活习俗类/Living Custom Andrei Iliescu Barbershop - Old barbershops worldwide 罗马尼亚/Romania
8638 生活习俗类/Living Custom Enrique lopez-Tapia de Ines Bassari Country 西班牙/Spain
8865 生活习俗类/Living Custom 刘埙琦 《年味渐浓》 中国/China
8887 生活习俗类/Living Custom 尤坚 抽水烟筒的人们 中国/China
8940 生活习俗类/Living Custom 黄志坚 恒河沐浴 中国/China
9563 生活习俗类/Living Custom Stéphane de Rouville The traditional way of conveying timber in Southern Nigeria. 法国/France
9652 生活习俗类/Living Custom 史云平 铲蹄技艺 中国/China
9834 生活习俗类/Living Custom 祁晓峰 苏木世人的背经转山 中国/China
1264 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce KURT VANSTEELANT Farmers with their milkcows 比利时/Belgium
2190 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 肖殿昌 倒套子 中国/China
2238 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Mehran Cheraghchi Bazar The Red Gold Workers 伊朗/Iran
2261 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Rui Pires Portuguese Traditional Bakers 葡萄牙/Portugal
2334 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 康永哲 抢收水没地粮食 中国/China
2383 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Dhanesh Ashokan Go cart made by Tribal students 印度/India
2812 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Miguel Mejía Castro The potato, the treasure of the Andes 秘鲁/Peru
3282 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Alexander Pfeiffer PämPäm Berlin - Urban art 德国/Germany
3605 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 敖乘舢 古法造纸 中国/China
3751 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 官朝弼 《粒粒皆辛苦》 中国/China
3785 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Min Min Tun Cart Wright( cart wright production) 缅甸/Myanmar
5476 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 李咏梅 维吾尔族传统乐器制作技艺 中国/China
6315 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 黄玉阳 茅尾海养蚝记 中国/China
6507 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Herman Morrison Procession of Bisoq Meniq 印尼/Indonesia
6575 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Sebastian Gil Miranda Salt of Life  阿根廷/Argentina
6643 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Haydée Morales PISIKNEKTEKITIKEJ: HONEY PRODUCERS 墨西哥/Mexico
6990 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Ahmet Cetintas Coal Makers 土耳其/Turkey
7098 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 叶君 巴山背二哥 中国/China
7741 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 李亚新 《鸭子坝的嗮萝卜》 中国/China
7897 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Babak Sedighi Silky People 伊朗/Iran
8004 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Fernando Oscar Martín The Memory of Clay 墨西哥/Mexico
9132 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Md.Mizanur Rahman Village of Flowers 孟加拉/Bangladesh
9183 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Diego Oliver La Rosa The ending of the Sillar cutters 秘鲁/Peru
9358 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Julian Dario Sanchez Arcos Inside the ship 哥伦比亚/Colombia
9977 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Stipe Surac The Olive is the Sun 克罗地亚/Croatia
10044 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 王静 手工擀香 中国/China
10046 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Shantanu Das Dry fish production by Koli Community. 印度/India
10258 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Sagar Shiriskar The artisans of Tambhat Ali 印度/India
1761 节庆活动类/Festivities Christina Czybik Ewe Kings celebrate the Agbogboza Festival in Togo 德国/Germany
1793 节庆活动类/Festivities 滕利明 《承载着600年乡愁的安顺地戏》 中国/China
1825 节庆活动类/Festivities Irsam Soetarto Pacu Jawi 印尼/Indonesia
1895 节庆活动类/Festivities STEFANOS CHRONIS Ancient pagan Dionysian custom of "Momogers" 希腊/Greece
2039 节庆活动类/Festivities Oscar David Montealegre Armas Oscar David Montealegre Armas 墨西哥/Mexico
2252 节庆活动类/Festivities 洪于乔 《月浦成年礼》 中国/China
2742 节庆活动类/Festivities Lucas Vallecillos Castellers, human towers 西班牙/Spain
3526 节庆活动类/Festivities 孙文平 《感恩抬狗节》 中国/China
5379 节庆活动类/Festivities 翟玉清 调顺网龙的演绎传承 中国/China
5435 节庆活动类/Festivities Amadou Keita Mandé Dalamô People's fishing of Mandé     马里/Mali
5876 节庆活动类/Festivities 孙杰 《秦人遗风 乞巧女儿节》 中国/China
10072 节庆活动类/Festivities SAI PRIYA Kambala 印度/India
10308 节庆活动类/Festivities Fernando Lavoz Bustamante Lord of Miracles 智利/Chile
1791 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 滕利明 《丹巴加绒藏族女子成人礼》 中国/China
4914 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Leboucher Rozenn Sagado: Calling the rain 法国/France
5471 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 薛晓红 神秘的彝族祭祖大典-尼木措毕 中国/China
5723 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Juan Camilo Paulhiac ANAJAWAA: Wayuu's Second Funeral Rite 哥伦比亚/Colombia
5740 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Steve Camargo Zenteno San Isidro Labrador 玻利维亚/Bolivia
5755 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 明克林 湘西苗族法师葬礼 中国/China
5792 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites VAN THANH PHAM Cremation Ceremony 越南/Vietnam
5922 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 张安华 夏尔巴祭拜珠峰仪式 中国/China
7209 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 卢增令 毛南族“肥套” 中国/China
7245 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Jorge Ivan Vasquez Holy week in Popayan, Colombia 哥伦比亚/Colombia
7330 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Silvia Landi My perfect day - Ethiopian wedding  意大利/Italy
7464 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 王裕生 乡里老大 中国/China
7677 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites John Hantoro Pudjoko Ngaben Ceremony of Bali 印尼/Indonesia
7760 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites fadkus soim Nyadran Tenong Tradition 印尼/Indonesia
7838 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Krzysztof Kobus Introduction of Torah scrolls to Remah Synagogue (Cracow,  POLAND). 波兰/Poland
7922 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 王绍祖 转九曲——九曲黄河阵 中国/China
8298 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites fadkus soim TRADITION DREADLOCKS CUTTING 印尼/Indonesia
8347 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 高成军 藏民磕长头 中国/China
8365 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Parastoo Haddadi The rain bride 伊朗/Iran
9424 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Claudio Dell'Osa The Farchie 意大利/Italy
9819 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites MOHAN JAYANT SARAF The Sacred Thread  印度/India
10119 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Divyakant Solanki TARPAN 印度/India
10161 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Stan Raucher The New Promised Land 美国/United States of America 

Now, the result of the second-round judging II (Top 66) is listed and can be viewed below. (Tip: you can find if or not you are on the list in a quick way by clicking Ctrl+F, entering your entry title or ID number)

If you are on this list, you will have a chance to compete for the 6 Grand Awards, selected from the short list of top 66 in the final-round judging by the International Jury. The rest sets of photos will be awarded the Documentary Awards.

ID 类别/Categories 标题/Title
1566 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 火车集市
1753 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Welcoming special guest(s)
2007 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Felting
2194 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 赫哲鱼皮部落
2239 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Circumcision
2240 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Polish Highlanders. Tradition and Faith
2309 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Seeing The History Discovered The Futures
2733 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume 彝族"荷叶帽"
2769 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 羌族风俗葬礼
2807 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 《中秋拜月》
2813 生活习俗类/Living Custom The Quechuas on the blue mantle of the Andes
2968 生活习俗类/Living Custom 最后的水磨坊
3229 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 另类选美
3278 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce TAU-TAU
3291 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Tobacco Production in Bandarban
3448 生活习俗类/Living Custom 朝圣路上的风餐
3543 建筑文化类/Architecture Traditional architecture in Benin
3544 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Bandari women in Iran
3806 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Gauchos
4511 建筑文化类/Architecture 石棉木雅藏族的石头村寨
4662 建筑文化类/Architecture Earthen homes in Thar Desert
4736 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites A Different Way to Look at Death - The Merry Cemetery in  Romania
4875 生活习俗类/Living Custom Bouzkashi
5128 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites The Pyres of Varanasi - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnations
5428 生活习俗类/Living Custom Pearl Diving 
5522 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Asia's largest Donkey trade fair
5524 节庆活动类/Festivities 帕米尔高原开春节
5638 生活习俗类/Living Custom 照相父亲
5646 节庆活动类/Festivities The day of the bear 
5838 节庆活动类/Festivities 纳西祭三朵
5849 节庆活动类/Festivities Cosmas and Damian
6366 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce The Story of Pashmina Wool
6906 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Traditional fishing on a round boat
6949 节庆活动类/Festivities Russian carnival in ancient Suzdal
7329 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 壮族丧葬礼俗
7344 节庆活动类/Festivities El Rocio
7413 生活习俗类/Living Custom 土家火坑屋的故事
7521 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Apokriyomata in Gergeri village of Crete, Greece. 
7547 节庆活动类/Festivities Hayivky, traditional Easter games in the Western Ukraine.
7777 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Traditional Silk Yarn Producing
7911 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Floating cultivation:Bangladesh
8039 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Portuguese farmers
8238 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites 彩色的葬礼
8239 建筑文化类/Architecture Jarokhas, the ornate balconies of Western India
8383 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume The Arfak
8572 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce A Piscaria
8580 建筑文化类/Architecture Architectural heritage of Saudi Arabia
8636 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 《哀牢山上收粮忙》(组照1-11)
8932 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce 苍岙盐工
8985 生活习俗类/Living Custom Daily village life in the region around Zinder, Niger.
9147 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce The Art in Burmese Bamboo Hats Production
9157 生活习俗类/Living Custom Family collecting salt in the Troncalhada salt pan, Aveiro,  Portugal
9190 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce Salt mine in Danakil depression
9547 生活习俗类/Living Custom 正统犹太社区
9639 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Scarecrows
9788 传统礼仪类/Traditional Rites Guiding a Bush through Lobcha and Merkulovichi Villages
9843 节庆活动类/Festivities Jesus del Gran Poder Ecuador
9892 节庆活动类/Festivities The Gilles, famous carnival characters in Belgium
9943 节庆活动类/Festivities 沈塘人龙舞
10011 节庆活动类/Festivities Alka Tournament of Sinj (Sinjska Alka)
10056 人物服饰类/Portrait & Costume Mursi Tribe
10149 节庆活动类/Festivities Holy Week in Guatemala
10163 生产商贸类/Production & Commerce The Bengal Apple Village
10184 建筑文化类/Architecture 《走进古村落--石板寨》
10256 节庆活动类/Festivities The Iranian Pahlevani Ritual
10274 节庆活动类/Festivities 云南山里迎新年

All the winning works of HPA 2017 will be edited and posted on our official website, gallery section after the awards ceremony gradually. We appreciate very much for your excellent contributions of the multi cultures in the world this year to our photo gallery of Humanity Photo Awards in last 20 years.

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