The HPA 2015 entry collection which lasts for 7 months ends successfully at 4:00 pm on April 17, 2015 Beijing Time. From then on participants will not be able to register or submit photos.As of the deadline, HPA 2015 has collected over 8,00
The HPA 2015 entry period will end five days later at 12:00pm on April 15th GMT (8:00 am, April 16th Beijing Time) . By then the participants will not be able to sign up, submit, edit information or log in, etc. The entry site 2015.hpa.org.
Organized by: UNESCO, China Folklore Photographic AssociationCategories: portrait & costume, architecture, living Custom, production & commerce, festivities and traditional rites Deadline: April 15, 2015 How to enter: sign
ZEKEThe Magazine of Global Awareness published by SDN Zeke magazine goes on sale March 20. $11.00 for print and digital, $1.99 for digital only.ZEKE Magazine. The world explored through photographs, ideas, and words, by leading documen
The Humanity Photo Awards 2015 (HPA 2015) is now calling for international judges. There is no restriction on nationality of the judge. Anyone who meets the following criteria can submit his/her application.Criteria:Qualifications: A H
Explanations on HPA2015 Guideline1:Entry CategoriesAn entrant may submit to any category from the following six categories: Portrait & Costume; Architecture; Living Custom; Production & Commerce; Festivities; Traditional Rites.An en
Today, Feb 25, 2015, starts the 50 days countdown of the HPA 2015 photo entries collection. And we are back to office from our celebration of the Chinese New Year Holiday.As the deadline for photo entries submission (April, 15) is drawing c
As an old saying goes, Time Flies. Yes, it is definitely true. There are only 100 days from now to the deadline of submission for HPA2015. Then what should we do now?Let me tell you:Hurry up! Sign up at http://2015.hpa.org.cn.During
If you need us to sign up and submit photos for you for any reason, first please download the form atHPA2015 registration and submission Form and fill in all the information. Then you need to make sure that your photos have been e
The deadline of HPA 2015 Entry Period is drawing close. As the “HPA 2015 Call For Entries” is being posted on all kinds of international media, the contest is receiving more and more attention. Now, we would like to share with you the pos